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Protected Seas, Anthropocene Institute


Region: Global

Low-cost software that pairs with a shore-based radar to monitor nearshore marine protected areas (MPAs). M2 specifies its use for marine protected areas because radar cannot distinguish between permitted and illegal vessels, thus it is simplest to use radar when all vessels are subject to the same rules. M2 software requires the purchase of “off-the-shelf” radar hardware. The hardware is then fitted with M2’s custom open-source software solution that displays boat tracks and integrates site-specific areas of concern. Alerts can be set up so that M2 notifies users when a vessel has entered a MPA or its duration in a MPA. M2 software can integrate data from an AIS sensor or a shore-based HD camera. Including the price of software, tech support, radar hardware, and possible site-specific costs, M2 estimates the deployment cost of the system to be $80,000 which may seem costly, but may be cost-effective for some fleets as it can monitor up to 30 vessels. M2 has been deployed in the Philippines, Mexico, and California. Projects are pending in further locations.

Find our technology here:

  • On the vessel
  • Dock and/or Landing Center
  • In the Community
  • Surveillance and/or Enforcement
  • Management Office
  • Supply Chain
  • At the Marketplace